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작품명 [eRc] Mouse Catcher Robot
창작자 M*rcus Chia and Osbert Cheong
등록ID robotclub_malaysia
춤품일 2021-04-01 16:44
작품설명 Robot name : Mouse Catcher Robot Inventor name : Marcus Chia and Osbert Cheong Centre : e@Robotclub Mount Austin, Johor https://www.facebook.com/erobotclub.mountaustin Robot characteristics: This is a group project of two cousins. They designed a robot that will patrol around the house based on predetermined route. Some food will be placed inside the box to attract mouse. Once IR center detect mouse, it will immediately stop to provide opportunity for mouse get close to the trap. Once the mouse get into the box, the second IR sensor will be triggered and close the door. The robot also has potential to ruse lizard and cockroach. Marcus and Osbert hope that this novel idea can be further develop in future as a low cost pest control tool.
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