
언제나 어디서나, EVERYDAY STEAM CUP 온라인

종목 STEAM CUP 온라인 대회
작품명 [PishRobo] Ice Cream-man Robot
창작자 H*fiz Hashemi Taba
국가 해외
등록ID pishrobot
춤품일 2019-07-20 23:55
작품설명 Hello, my name is Hafez Hashemi Taba. I’m 6 years old. I have participated in the STEAM CUP Online competition of 2019. I made an Ice cream-man robot. I want to show you how this robot works. When you press the button, it moves every one of its hands. Of course, my robot can hear you, too. It begins to react happily in time with your claps.
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