
언제나 어디서나, EVERYDAY STEAM CUP 온라인

종목 STEAM CUP 온라인 대회
작품명 [PishRobot] Automatic Shop
창작자 T*ha
국가 해외
등록ID pishrobot
춤품일 2019-04-30 20:30
작품설명 Hello, My name is Taha Bu Ali. I am 8 years old. I made a smart supermarket. Its name is Taha Automatic Shop. Now, I am showing how it works. When you press the switch, it goes up and down and when you click the button of the controller for six times, 1,2, 3…,6. This can give us a piece of chocolate and that makes us juice. It can make us juice and give us chocolate. Goodbye.
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