
언제나 어디서나, EVERYDAY STEAM CUP 온라인

종목 STEAM CUP 온라인 대회
작품명 Open-TreasureFinder
국가 해외
등록ID inextech
춤품일 2016-01-29 02:01
작품설명 This is a science project from OpenCM9.04 controller board with the Metal sensor module. You can use it for finding some metal object or "treasure".
Technical features :
- Controller is OpenCM9.04
- Detect the metal object by using a sensing coil and the metal detector module (ZX-METAL)
- Sound warning by the simple piezo speaker module
How it works :
Attach the controller board; CM9.04 with plastic pipe to make the treasure finder stick. At the end of stick, mount the sensing coil and connect to ZX-METAL sensor module.

The heart of this project is metal sensing circuit. It actives the logic "1" when detect the metal and send to the controller board; OpenCM9.04. The controller board gets the sensor's signal and drives warning signal to the piezo speaker tiny board.
The OpenFinder was created by Teerawut Jitpromma; he is an engineer of Innovative Experiment (INEX)

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