
언제나 어디서나, EVERYDAY STEAM CUP 온라인

종목 STEAM CUP 온라인 대회
작품명 Robot Simple Generator
국가 해외
등록ID id_robotiskidlab
춤품일 2016-01-28 11:17
작품설명 Robot Name : Simple Generator
                     Robert and Louis
                     RobotisKidslab Indonesia

Robot Product : Robotis Dream Level 2

Robot Characteristics :
Hey, my name Robert and Louis. This time we make miniature of a power generator. Although, This Robot look simple but we was so happy.  Because, this is can realize my dream. In the future, we would make the best of this Robot from now. This robot have the ability to produce electricity so as to turn on the LED.

Robot Picture :

Robot Video :

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