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작품명 [e@Robotclub] Kiah Meng's 'Painting Robot'
국가 해외
등록ID robotclub_malaysia
춤품일 2015-05-11 00:27
작품설명 Student's Name
Chong Kiah Meng

Robot Name
A amazing ‘Painting Robot’
Robot Product
OLLO Inventor kit

Robot Characteristics
I built a painting robot. When I press the button then the robot will move the brush to dip into the paint until I clap. Then it will start painting three plus sign. Between each plus sign, the robot will move to front a bit. After painting the third plus sign, the robot moves the brush to dip into the paint and wait until I clap, then it will repeat the painting. If any obstacle is detected in front of the robot, it will stop until the obstacle is removed then it will continue the painting.
I hope I can develop a big painting robot to help people to paint their house especially for the olders who need all our helps. Kindly give me your comment after viewing my video.

Robot Picture

Robot Video

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