ROBOT Information
Robot Name | [eRc] Locker Clown |
Inventor Name | Navinraj Krishnakumaran |
Country | MALAYSIA |
Writer ID | robotclub_malaysia |
Submit Date | 2021-01-07 18:24 |
Robot Charactertic | obot name : Locker Clown Inventor name : Navinraj Krishnakumaran Centre : e@Robotclub HQ @ Emporis Kota Damansara Robot characteristics: My name is Navinraj Krishnakumaran. I’m a 13 years old boy currently schooling at SMK Bandar Utama Damansara 3. I leart robotics at e@robotclub and this is my level 2 project and his name is Locker Clown. He is used to protect your things, your money, your candies, your toys, your keychains or any secret things. The components I used to do this robot is a controller, a battery, a servo motor and two gear motors. One of the gear motor is functioning as the lock and the another is used to control the door and the servo motor works as a hammer to protect the robot. First you need to power on the robot, he will play a melody. If you put your hand on the IR Centre, he will close the door. To open the door back you need to put your fingers on IR Left and IR Centre at the same time, then he will open the door for you. If you put the wrong password, he will hit your hand with hammer and make an alert sound. Now you can put your toys, your candy and close it. You can’t open it because it is closed tightly. To open it back you need to put the correct password. Now you can eat your candy and play with your toy. I decorate my robot by giving him two eyes, a clown nose and I give him two different colours of hat. Right side is green and left side is orange. I also give him two hands. One is fixed on the left side but right side hand is used to open the door. But the poor thing is I didn’t give him the legs because he is very naught and he can run away to his homeland. I’m sorry robot. Don’t hit me with your hammer. During I do this robot, I face some difficulties. One of the difficulty is to open and close the door smoothly. Sometimes it is stuck and can’t open the door properly. To fix this problem, I discuss with my teachers and fix some mechanism of the door and the lock. Then he works properly and he can open, close, lock, unlock the door smoothly. #STEAMCUP,#STEAMCUPOnline,#ROBOT |
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